Wednesday 5 October 2011

Denotations and Connotations

Denotations: What we see
Connotations: What we understand

Black Swan

Camera Angles and Shots

Close-up: used to show emotion
Long Shot: to show a person in full focus
Extreme Long Shot: up to half a mile away, used to show setting
Low Angle Shot: to show a character as important, intimidating, powerful

High Angle Shot: to show a character is not as important, is a victim, is loved
Wide Angle Shot: shows the significant characters in a scene and links them to setting
Framing Shot: uses the setting/scenery to set a moment in a scene

Point of View: shows a scene through the eyes of a character or protagonist
Two Shot: shows two people in the shot, sometimes isn't purposefully clear, but can be used to show a       relationship between two characters

Establishing Shot:
                  indicates where the action will be, is usually outside
Master Shot:
                   used at the beginning and end of sections

I will need to use as many of these angles and shots in my preliminary task and final task as well as be able to analyse them when studying different media's.


The media presents reality in a way they want us to view it. It is represented as how they want it to be seen.

'The media do not offer us a transparent window on the world but a mediated version of the world. They don't just present reality, the re-present it.'
Buckingham 2003

When analysing representation in a piece of media, you need to look at:
Physical ability/Disability
National/Regional Identity