Final Task: Planning, Analysis & Evaluations

This is a mind map of our thought process when deciding on an idea for our final idea

This is the script for our final task.We haven't fully decided the camera angles and duration of the scenes.

Here is our first finished final task; after watching it we decided it didn't fit the conventions of the thriller genre and so we have decided to alter it.

Although we have added in a non-diegetic scream, there is no other music. There is also little sections where there is dark lighting. At the beginning, there is selective sound, point of view shots and shaky camera work to add adreneline but after the title appears, there is no features of a thriller included such as dark lighting, fast editing and eerie sound effects. The sound is also all diegetic in this section.

Here we have videoed our group explaining the changes to our script and the reasons behind them.

After filming the explanation of the changes we were making in our new final task, we then developed the ideas for our final task further and created a new script. However, the story line is remaining the same and we are keeping the running scenes at the beginning. We decided to change the location and characters in our film as we were able to film drama students from our college (Heathside Sixth Form College) which we took to our advantage. We filmed it in studio within the college to help create the ‘normal day of college’ effect we wanted.
This is the improved script and one used in the final edit of our thriller.

Different views of a girl running down a corridor are shown, including some handheld by her so it is shaky.  It is shown in black and white and gives the illusion of the lights flickering. She then goes through some double doors and the screen cuts to black.
Three girls are sat casually talking; one on a chair, one on a stool and one perched on a table. They are discussing a party they are all attending at the weekend.
There is then a shot of Ellie, who is sitting on the chair, crossing the 180 line.  
Charlotte: Are you ok?
Ellie: Yeah, I just, keep having these dreams and I’m getting really scared…. (describes a girl running down a corridor)

There is then a close up of Jess who seems to be realising something.

Jess: Yes!
Ellie: But you never | see her face
Jess:                         | see her face

There is then a close up of Charlotte who seems lost and doesn’t understand what the girls are going on about.

Charlotte: You two are mad!

Ellie: Right, we need to go to lessons.

They start to leave, a shot over Charlotte’s shoulder shows them leaving.


There is then a close up of Charlotte, who is the last to leave. She is walking casually then suddenly takes a step back and breathes in suddenly. A shot of the girl running is then shown again. Screen fades to black.


After adding in all our new ideas and filming and editing the new script, here is our finished Thriller Opening. Underneath, I have analysed the elements included.

The first location for filming shown in our thriller is a school corridor. This is clear due to the double doors and display boards. We felt this location was suitable as it linked the character’s age range to their surroundings. We also felt it would be a good location to use so our audience could relate.

The next location featured is the drama studio. Although the title of the drama studio is not clear, it is still evident the girls are in a classroom due to the design of the chairs and books in the background. The use of this setting links to the first and suggests to the audience the characters are closer to the unknown danger than they think. It is also suitable for the age range.

The doorway of the classroom featured is the last setting shown. It is the location where Charlotte then has her vision, which is significant as the other girls are walking away. The lighting in the background is bright and positive compared to the dark walls of the foreground, representing how this will carry on confusing and scaring her. 

Evaluation Question 1
(pause on each slide)

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Question 5

                 Evaluation Question 6

NB: A copy of my preliminary task can be found on my page 'Preliminary and Planning'